Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Admittedly, I am not the most faithful with my blogging. It seems that time and the days are passing more quickly than when I was younger...say in the 1950's. I recall waiting for my date and the time stood still. Nevertheless, I'm here today so let the fun begin.

On November 19 I had a booth at the Market Days on the Square in Bay City, Texas where I sold book and my photography.

It was a overcast fall day with wind gusts of around 20 mph which made for a nice day...except for the times I had to fix the display and chase after cards as the display stand took a tumble. The vendors on each side of me were great "neighbors" and helpful in helping with the gathering of the cards.

When I arrived to my 'space', I saw a huge tree right in the middle of it. How was I going to set up my tent, I thought. The vendors in the next space had only one table and no tent so they were kind enough to switch spaces with me. Thank you Matagorda Nursing Home and Rehab Center...and Cody Hollaway. It's amazing how God places you in the right place at the right time. Here I was selling my book "The Caregiver's Story" about caring for my mother with dementia/Alzheimer's and then be placed between one vendor who dealth with such things...and the other vendor who had been a caregiver most of her life. But...back to the cards.

Several asked if I had my cards in stores. "No," I said. "I wish that they were, but they aren't." Other comments were: "You sure have an eye for it." "These cards are beautiful! Isn't God Good?


Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Creating Memories for a Lifetime

My crafted-with-care inspirational note cards are printed on heavy, high quality, matte finish photo paper with a neutral writing surface inside. The photos are printed on 4x6 premium high gloss photo paper. The finished 5x7 cards are great for framing. I hand pack eight cards (4 designs, 2 cards each) in a nice gift box with nine envelopes. ($24) Single cards also available. ($3.50)

A great way to brighten up the home or the office is with large prints with inspirational text.

All my photos are available as large prints, suitable for framing. Mat size 8x10 is $15. and mat size 11x14 sells for $25.

For places like the kitchen window and bathroom vanity, the photos can be made from wallet size to 4x6 to fit in smaller frames and smaller places.


Direct transfer to a professional CD recorder
Level adjustment
Noise reduction
Manual track separation
Starting at $10.


Give your pictures new life by creating a unique video presentation to enjoy with your family and friends. Imagine yourself sitting on your couch and viewing your photo album on the TV screen while listening to your favorite music. You may create a DVD for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, yearbooks, to remember a loved one who passed, or any other event.

STARTING AT ONLY $29.95: Up to 120 digital pictures transferred to standard DVD format with creative transitions and music.
We can digitally process your pictures to improve the colors and sharpness of your photos. We can include the whole image or crop the image as needed.

MUSIC BACKGROUND:All our productions include music background. We will add selected music tracks or you may provide your own music.

ADD TITLES TO YOUR PRODUCTIONS: We can add custom titles to your production.


My focus is on capturing the beauty of God's Creation and helping others to see its beauty--sometimes from up close.

I have been taking photographs for 58 years and have a deep love for the art of photography.

I digitally enhance and/or crop some of my photographs, while some are "jazzed up" into computer art.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Fall is a time of the year I come alive. The cooler air, colorful leaves all work together to bring forth the best in me.

This photo was taken from sitting inside my car while waiting for my writing partner to return from checking out a garage sale in my neighborhood. Anything is possible!

Friday, November 20, 2009


Fall has arrived and with it comes the cooler air; how I love the fall. The Thanksgiving holiday is upon us and it causes my mind to play scenes of past celebrations across my mind.

It was always a tradition to go to my parents for Thanksgiving and Christmas; it was a big time for family gathering, food, fun, and just having a good time. Mama would always outdo herself each year with so much food and her traditional pies. She could never have enough sweets in the house!

My dad's family used the Thanksgiving holiday as a time for all to get together at a reunion to enjoy each others company and catch up on what had been going on. Because Mama always wanted to have her own Thanksgiving, Daddy would usually attend the reunion alone. I never understood this.

Now since both my parents are gone and I choose not to do Thanksgiving (and to keep Daddy's tradition) we now attend the family reunion. I'm glad that we do; it's a way to meet and greet each other and keep in contact...if only once a year.

I'm thankful for my parents and their influence in my life. Their love and support throughout my life was never questioned--they were always there for me. I can still hear Mama saying, "Vada, you are great in doing so many things; you can do anything you set your mind to!"

I'm thankful for my sister who was my best playing partner while growing up alongside a lonely country road where we had very few neighbors. We shared so much and the one regret is the time I felt I was too mature (too grown up) to continue to play with her. You see I'm four years older than she and at one point I felt she was too young to play with. I soon learned differently when Mama learned of this!

I'm thankful for my husband and the children we raised together. It wasn't easy all the time, but we all are better for having come through it. I am thankful for each one and the special gifts and talents they possess. Each one is special in his or her own way.

I'm thankful for their support in all that I have attempted to do in my lifetime; there were so many things I tried. My biggest passion, though, is photography and second is writing. They run pretty close.

As I bring this post to an end, I would like to wish each one a very Happy Thanksgiving. Take time to give thanks to those who have made your life better...and those who need a bit of love.

Take care,

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Breast Cancer Awareness

This photo was taken in a big chain store during my recent visit to my hometown. I place it on my blog to remind all to be aware of the signs of breast cancer and to have annual checkups before it's too late.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Saturday, August 1, 2009